PPP Berharap Suhartoyo Tidak Mengulangi Kesalahan Anwar Usman Setelah Resmi Menjabat sebagai Ketua MK

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Jakarta – (VanusNews) Suhartoyo officially appointed as the Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) replacing Anwar Usman, who was removed by the Honor Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) for committing serious ethical violations.

In response, the Secretary of the United Development Party Faction (F-PPP) of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Achmad Baidowi, congratulated Suhartoyo.

“F-PPP of the Indonesian House of Representatives congratulates Suhartoyo who has been unanimously elected by the constitutional judges to replace Anwar Usman who was dismissed by MKMK,” said Achmad Baidowi, who is also known as Awiek, at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on Thursday (9/11/2023).

Awiek hoped that Suhartoyo would not repeat the mistakes made by Anwar Usman, which he considered very embarrassing.

“Remember the reason Anwar Usman was replaced because he was dismissed by MKMK, meaning Suhartoyo should not repeat the behavior of Anwar Usman, embarrassing and disgracing our judicial world, namely our judicial world by committing serious violations as stated in the decision of MKMK,” said the Vice Chairman of the Legislation Body of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Awiek admitted that he had high hopes for Suhartoyo because he was one of the constitutional judges who dared to dissent against the decision of lawsuit number 90 regarding the minimum age of presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 Presidential Election.

Awiek also reminded Suhartoyo to maintain independence amidst the many temptations as the Chairman of the Constitutional Court.

“Now is the time to test Suhartoyo’s integrity when he becomes the chairman, if yesterday he was only a member maybe he could be more independent. Now as a chairman, there will be many temptations, many interests, how Suhartoyo can maintain that,” said Awiek.

This legislator from the East Java 3rd Electoral District is optimistic that Suhartoyo will be able to maintain that independence.

“We believe that Suhartoyo has the credibility for that,” concluded Awiek. VN-DAN